Tuesday 21 August 2007

Morse code LED watch tells time even more confusing!

I don’t think it’s a good idea to have morse code to tell time. I think nowadays it’s hard to find anyone that I know personally who can interpret morse code. Of course, the Wikipedia page shows a pretty complete explanation and also the table that shows the code relationship with numbers and letters. As the title says, the watch carries an LED display that tells the time by morse code, either by sound or vision. Meaning it can be set to sound out time in morse code or shows in combination of dashes and dots in morse code on its LED display. If I were the one who wore this watch, perhaps, I’d always need to have the browser on my portable to hook up to Wikipedia web page, in order for me to tell the time. But no worry, the watch has an option for you to set it to a normal LED time that displays time in normal digits that you’re used to instead of the complex morse code.

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